Over time, missing teeth can cause the associated jawbone to become reabsorbed, weakening its density and support. This can make your jawbone insufficient for treatments such as dental implants. To help restore your jawbone’s strength, Drs. Frank Paletta and Mo Banki offer several types of bone grafting in Warwick, Rhode Island, and North Attleboro, Massachusetts. If you are interested in receiving a dental implant or other oral surgery, we welcome you to visit our oral surgeons to know whether you require a bone graft.

Missing teeth, infection, and several other issues can cause the jawbone to weaken and deteriorate. In order to be a good candidate for dental implants and some oral surgery, it is important that your jawbone is strong enough to support the treatment. Our practice offers bone grafting to do more than just replace missing jawbone. Bone grafting can also stimulate bone growth, so newer, healthier bone can develop.

If you require a bone graft, our oral surgeons will work with you to help you know which type of graft is best for you. Some of the most common types of grafts include:

  • Autogenous bone graft: Also known as autografts, this procedure grafts bone from your own body into your jawbone. The grafted bone often comes from the chin, lower leg bone, hip, jaw, or skull. Autogenous bone grafts use live bone, which can enhance bone growth after the graft.
  • Allogenic bone graft: Also known as allograft, this procedure uses bone from a cadaver. The bone is freeze-dried, and the water is removed. Allogenic bone cannot stimulate new bone growth; it does, however, provide a framework to your remaining jawbone.
  • Xenogenic bone graft: Xenogenic bone comes from a species other than human, such as a cow. To prevent rejection or infection, the bone is heated to high temperatures. Once grafted, xenogenic bone acts as a framework to the remaining bone.

While using natural bone can be beneficial in a bone graft, advanced technology has created synthetic bone material that can be used as an alternative treatment. Some bone graft substitutes include:

  • Demineralized Bone Matrix (DBM)/Demineralized Freeze-Dried Bone Allograft (DFDBA): both products contain processed allograft with extracted proteins, collagen, and growth factors. This synthetic bone often comes as a putty, powder, or gel that is injected.
  • Graft Composites: these are made of various graft materials and growth factors that resemble natural bone and bone marrow cells to promote growth.
  • Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs): these are naturally found in the body and can be used to increase and regulate bone healing and growth.

To learn more about our bone graft and bone graft substitute options, we welcome you to call 401-739-5500 or visit our practice. Our oral surgeons will help you know which type of graft is best for your situation!

See What Our Patients Say:

Thanks to MSL for participating in our 8th annual Dentistry from the Heart event. We are happy to report that we treated over 160 people, which amounted to more than $50,000 in free dental care!

Both of my children had their wisdom teeth out at MSL. Their doctors and staff are the best.

Dr. Banki was so patient with me. I am so thankful to him