Removing multiple teeth at once can present slightly more attentive post-operative instructions. It is important to ensure that each extraction site remains clean so that your recovery is both quick and problem-free.

Following your surgery, Dr. Frank Paletta and Dr. Mo Banki will have you bite down on gauze in 30-minute intervals until any bleeding stops. You can also bite down on a moist tea bag. If bleeding persists after several gauze pads have been used, contact our practice. Oozing around dentures and prostheses is normal.

If you experience swelling, regularly apply ice packs in the first 36 hours. If you experience minor pain or discomfort, you can take over-the-counter pain medication. However, if your pain increases and becomes severe, our oral surgeons can prescribe pain killers.

Drink a minimum of six glasses of liquid throughout the rest of your surgery day. Avoid drinking with a straw. Do not rinse your mouth for the first day; afterwards, use warm salt water every 4 hours.

Begin by eating soft foods and liquids. Our doctors will help you know how long you should wait before returning to a normal diet.

We welcome you to contact our office if you have any questions regarding surgery instructions for multiple tooth extractions. We look forward to helping you care for your mouth!

See What Our Patients Say:

Thanks to MSL for participating in our 8th annual Dentistry from the Heart event. We are happy to report that we treated over 160 people, which amounted to more than $50,000 in free dental care!

Both of my children had their wisdom teeth out at MSL. Their doctors and staff are the best.

Dr. Banki was so patient with me. I am so thankful to him